About Claire

Claire de Gruchy, NDP (LINPP) JIAS Provider, Adv. Dip. Health Kinesiology, Bilateral Integration, Scott Protocol
Claire de Gruchy immediately recognized the benefits of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP) programme and Johansen IAS Sound Therapy after working with her son through his personal programme, devised and changed alternate months over a 12-month period, to meet his individual needs. Impressed by her son's improvement and keen to create an opportunity to help others to overcome their obstacles, academic, emotional or physical, Claire embarked on the rigorous training required to become a qualified INPP licensed practitioner and Registered Johansen IAS Provider.
Many clients with Neuro Developmental Delay (NDD) also show signs of stresses in the form of asthma, hayfever, intolerances, allergies or anxiety, fears and phobias. To help clients with these issues Claire did further training to become a qualified Health Kinesiology Practitioner and later a Kinesiology Federation Affiliate and a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists. Since then Claire has continued to increase her knowledge, via accredited courses, in Counselling, Anatomy & Physiology, Essential Oils and Nutrition and is always looking at what more she can do to help her clients.
Claire regularly attends conferences and training sessions as part of her continuing professional development as well as giving talks to professionals and groups in associated fields. This allows Claire to constantly improve her existing programmes. Claire also runs a monthly clinic at Avenue Clinic, Guernsey and has been organising workshops and training in both Islands.
Her ultimate aim is to get a JIAS programme into every school at no cost to families that will enhance every child’s learning experience – because learning should be FUN not a struggle!
Claire's dedication to helping others and improving their chances in life was recognised in the 2019 Leaders in Wellbeing Awards, when she was awarded the Wellbeing Practitioner Lifetime Achievement Award.
Professional Memberships:
Licentiate of the Institute for Neuro Physiological Psychology
Member of Federation of Holistic Therapists (MFHT)
Kinesiology Federation Affiliate